More Than – 70% of the Global Workforce,
are Disengaged at Work.
While no one likes how that sounds, the reality for organizations who don’t pay attention to this cultural metric is far more tangible. In the workplace, it shows up as:
70% more safety incidents
40% more quality incidents
20% less sales revenue
41% higher absenteeism
In a world where technology has dehumanized the workplace and employees are disconnecting their brains and simply turning on auto-pilot, it’s time for a change.
We need a new style of leadership—one that empowers new leaders to arise and companies to develop a pipeline of leadership and connection that they have not seen.
If your company is lost, we have good news: it can be found again. And we can help.
You don’t build a business you build the people and the people build the business.
-Zig Ziglar
Get Absolute Professional Services
From L.O.S.T. Consulting.

From the onset, our consultants conduct a personalized gap analysis to evaluate your corporate needs and help you identify and leverage your top talent. We aren’t here to run the show; simply to offer our expertise to you for your own success.

Once we’ve identified challenges within your organization, we can take a solutions-focused approach. We identify the integral members of your team and take them through a process where they can hone their own leadership skills and learn how to enable and empower others.

Talent Development
We realize that your people are your biggest asset and that if we can bring them to their full potential, we can improve every aspect of your business, as well. By working one-on-one with individual employees, we can help them grow and lead within their departments, teams, and communities.

Leadership Development
Leaders aren’t born; they’re nurtured. Those with true leadership potential should be identified and engaged in the corporate plans, possibly providing the future direction for the company. Through L.O.S.T., you can ensure that your top talent is engaged, and meet them where they are to move forward—together.
Scott Hicks 
Founder And CEO
With more than 15 years of Leadership and Talent Development experience across multiple roles—including 1st and 2nd line Sales Leadership, Product Training, Business and Account Training, and Leadership Development—Scott Hicks knows intimately some of the challenges that corporate leaders face on a daily basis.
Due to the pharmaceutical industry’s constant restructuring, Scott had the opportunity to build and unite 10 teams throughout her career. This experience taught her that while culture is a key driver to unlocking potential, toxic cultures—which are mainly focused on processes that overshadow people—drive employee disengagement, resulting in hidden costs to the company.
Over time, decades of this type of misstep have resulted in companies that have lost their way (and their why), creating the need for a new type of leadership approach.
For this reason, Scott established L.O.S.T. Consulting LLC (which stands for Leading Organizational Success Together)…

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And BE Found
Under Construction / Coming Soon
We know there’s a lot of information out there for companies just like yours. And, we recognize that while much of that information may help your bottom line, it may not be delivering you the full potential of your largest asset: your people.
At L.O.S.T, we understand the challenges you are facing, and we know how to help you address them, and include your entire staff—from the highest ranks of leadership to the newest employee—in a path toward success.
We are hard at work building out the newest resource for our followers—the L.O.S.T. community. With opportunities to learn, connect, get expert insights from our team and much more, the community is a place that you can tap into the new generation of leadership and how to bring others along on the journey.
We’re not quite ready yet, but we’d love to include you when we are. To get updates and information from L.O.S.T. as it becomes available, fill out the form below.
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